Part-Own a Solar Farm

Transparently Making Sustainable Energy Accessible and Affordable in Developing Countries

Fund Solar | Earn | Make Impact

tribes capital a solar powered wind turbine in the middle of a field
tribes capital a solar powered wind turbine in the middle of a field
First of all

Invest in Sustainable Energy

Join our mission as a world-leading clean energy utility solution provider, dedicated to scale affordable sustainable energy solutions in developing countries. As part owner, we unite a vibrant network driving to champion a fair and equitable energy shift

Not to mention

Empowering the Future

The in-house team and certified installers meticulously evaluate each system for its commercial viability and technical excellence to equip Healthcare & Commercial Facilities with a future that's sustainable and green at its core.

tribes capital financing platform renewable solar afria laptop, tablet and phone with a laptop on it
tribes capital financing platform renewable solar afria laptop, tablet and phone with a laptop on it
And let's not forget

Join the Sustainable Revolution

A fractional financing platform allows anyone to part-own a Solar Farm to deliver triple-bottom-line benefits: financial growth, social impact, and environmental sustainability. This is more than an investment; it's a legacy for future generations.

Vision & Mission

We're committed to creating a sustainable and green future through innovative financing solutions for renewable energy projects. Our mission is to empower the transition to a better world for generations to come.

Transition to Solar PV

  • Enjoy a smooth transition to Solar PV & Battery Storage

  • More affordable and predictable energy cost

  • Turnkey power utility solution so that you can focus on your core business

  • Improve carbon footprint and avoid CO2 emission

  • Reduced OPEX within your organisation.


Are you a business that's ready to switch to Solar PV at an affordable fee? Contact Us


Get in touch

Your capital is at risk and investments are not protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The value of your investments can go down as well as up, so you could get back less than you invested. Stated returns are forecasted and may not reflect the reality of your return on investment.
Investing in includes danger, consisting of the loss of all of your capital, liquidity (the inability to offer assets promptly or without considerable loss in worth), and it ought to be done just as part of a diversified portfolio. Never invest more than you can pay to shed as well as never make financial investments with borrowed money. Investment possibilities in this system are targeted entirely at capitalists who comprehend these threats and also for whom such investments are appropriate. Tribes Capital does not provide financial investment guidance or recommendations concerning financial investment chances, and any type of investment choice should be made only based on every one of the details offered by the provider for that investment possibility, including (without restriction) the appropriate "Project Document (PD)" that is readily available to members of the system.
Please read the risk area of our site to learn more about the threats related to the projects available on this system. Tribes Capital platform technology is designed as an open and transparent intentionality to remove non-trust between the off-taker and our impact investors. The sustainable energy infrastructure projects on marketplace is not a deal to the general public in any kind of jurisdiction and is readily available only to registered members of the system that have been accredited through our Know-You-Customer (KYC) & Anti-Money Laundry (AML) global compliance. Anyone who wishes to check out these investment possibilities should initially be satisfied that they are qualified to do so under the securities legislation of their country of residence as well as appropriate guiding laws.
Impact investors should do their due diligence and are encouraged to consult with their financial advisor, attorney, accountant or other professional who can help the investor understand and assess the risks associated with any investment opportunities with Tribes Capital.